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Designer At Work


Fashion Spreads


Pampas Flower



Below are some in-depth, research based projects that were created during my bachelors degree in product design. 
Designs span from working with a variety of mixed medias:
sketches, digital media, programing, and both hard and soft materials.
If you hover over the first picture of each piece of work, a description
will appear to provide you with some more detail.


Capstone Project

Food Waste is a fast growing problem and is affecting our environment negatively. As a way to combat the CO2 emissions caused by food not properly being discarded, we have to first make a change starting in the home. Why are we wasting so much food? How can we change that behavior? After spending a year researching and developing a prototype, I have designed an easy to use product for the kitchen. By incorporating technology and sensors into a food container, we can ALERT the consumer when their food is starting to go bad, before it does! The sensor is used to measure ethylene that is produced by aging foods. Once it reaches a specific level, the sensor will signal an LED to turn on, alerting the consumer.  

Want to know more?

If you wish to know more about any project, please email me and I will send you an easy to download version. If you would like to see the testing report and thesis for the most recent project, I can also send that your way. 

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